Thread: My HERO!!!
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Old 17-04-03, 22:09
Garry Shipton (RIP) Garry Shipton (RIP) is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 827
Default Those Hat's

Carmon,those are not hats in the common ENGLISH vernacular that your boyfriend in the 93rd is wearing in the photo at the start of this thread.They are called FEATHER BONNETS worn only by Heeland laddies.No they are not heavy because I can personally confirm this having worn them over countless years.I'll let you in on a little secret.Under the four tails hanging dowm the right side is a hole big enough above to put a hand in & during my tenure,those who smoked cigarettes or pipe wud store their stash up inside above the head as the doublet(jacket as shown)there were no pockets to stow personals.Some lads even stowed a wee dram bottle of scotch up there(for medicinal purposes only)during cold day parades.
Geez,are we edumakating the little Miss Yappy
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