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Old 15-08-17, 01:35
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hammond, Ontario
Posts: 5,213
Default Finished welding the door frame......

With the house generator hooked up to the MIller 210 It was a more pleasant than using the 110V baby mig I used for the tacking.

Even with the shielding gas turned up for outside welding the steel alloy of the container is a bitch to work with. As I did the outside seam a lot of smoke was generated..... turns out there was water already trapped between the flanges.... and what I though was paint burning off was steam..... and the water made the spattering worst. I blew most of it with the air line and there was enough to form a small puddle on the floor inside.

So decided to do a continuous weld seam on the outside......(sorry Jordan) and will caulk the seam for good measure. The inside got a few more robust tacks for my peace of mind. Noticed that the cold steel of the square tubing is already flash rusting......while the container steel that was ground of any paint for welding still looks shiny!!!!!

Hopefully the door will go on later this week.

Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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