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Old 08-11-17, 14:28
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Winnipeg, MB
Posts: 3,404

Mike and Bruce.

It has probably been close to 20 years since I so much as monitored the HF Bands here, but in chats with the local Amateurs they would concur that activity has dropped off. Even activity on 2-Meters, which is quite popular, has apparently dropped with checkins running in the mid 30’s on the twice weekly net. Part of that could be the much greater diversity of interest in what can be done on the amateur bands, compared to several decades ago.

As you noted as well, Mike, at one point, radio was an effective life essential, but in todays world has been much replaced with cheaper, more convenient options.

There is a nightly HF Net here, Bruce, that I was going to tune into with the 19-Set, just to refresh my skill sets and comfort zone with the set controls. It is actually a very simple set to get to know to operate, in spite of the visual presence of all the knobs and fiddley bits. Then I realized the HF rigs working that net are all doing so on the lower sideband signal at 3747 kHz. That, becomes a major challenge to tune to with a 19-Set, let alone try and work it in voice mode.

My friend and I are probably going to try 3885 kHz and keep it pure and simple. Hope to meet up at Timmie’s later today and sort that all out. Will let you know the time frame we come up with.

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