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Old 22-12-17, 01:03
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Location: Winnipeg, MB
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Default Wireless Set No. 52 Canadian - Project

Well I never said I was the smartest person on the planet and waiting over 30 years to even consider starting a project like this definitely pushes me rather firmly to the other end of the spectrum, but…here we go.

The goal of this project is to assemble a complete basic Wireless Set No. 52 Canadian, restore all the bits to working order and then get it back on the air.
The attached photo shows quite clearly what I am starting with in my Wireless Room... nearly nothing. I say nearly, because the observant among you will notice there is a canvas bag hanging on the wall that I only learned recently is actually the Aerial Bag for the 52-Set that holds it's F Rods. It currently holds the two sets of said rods for my two 19-Sets so will soon need a No. 2 Brown set of F Rods added for a 52-Set. In any event, this little canvas bag, for better or worse, is my starting point.

Clearly, updates on this thread have the potential to be few and far between, but it is what it is. May the Wireless God smile upon me!

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