Thread: Ding Dong
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Old 30-04-03, 07:10
Posts: n/a
Default Re: AVON

Originally posted by DaveCox
knock, knock

who's there

Avon, your bell's knackered!

HEY ENGLISH...YOU be nice to me. I think I'm going to tear open all those little samples and fill the box and send it back and say...OOOOPS... AVON SPILLING!!! What a trip. Nope. I just can't go there for many reasons. Just had to check out the possibility tho.

Hey Dave... when you go to Victoria, Douglas St and Yates, ON Yates Street just a few doors down, there used to be a little 24 hr restaurant called SCOTT's CAFE. I'd be curious to find out if it's still there if you end up walking around there. Its right downtown, not too far from the EMPRESS HOTEL and THE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS. If you see CAMPBELL there (stick out tongue) The owners of Scott's used to be Greek. I worked there off and on for years from age 16/17. Beacon Hill Park should also be nice if you get a chance to go sightseeing. I used to date a cop and he and his bud would give me rides home in the paddy Wagon back then. Funny part is, I lived 8 miles out of town at that time. Peter would just call in "Request permission to escort young lady home. Her vehicle is broken down". The best one was Christmas Eve when we drank a toast" haha

ROYAL ROADS (close to Rockland Ave? where I once lived)...isn't that NAVY? I know they always had a lot of SAILORS around town. I'm sure my foster neice is NAVY and connected to ROYAL ROADS.

Gotta run..Avon is calling
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