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Old 09-04-19, 11:42
David Herbert David Herbert is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Ayrshire, Scotland - previously Suffolk
Posts: 548


Thank you for posting about this truck but looking at the photos it seems that either it has been re-bodied or that the first photo (the one with the shrapnel damage) is showing a different truck. In the first photo the body sides extend down to level with the cab steps, There is something (fuel tank ?) with two horizontal ribs on it behind the cab step, the gap between the cab and the body is filled in and the body is extended over the cab roof. None of these features show in the other photos

I can see that when the shrapnel damage was repaired, that area of the body could well have been changed but there would have been no need to remove the section above the cab.
Looking harder I think that the cab door handle is much higher up relative to the cab window in the first photo so I definitely see these as two different trucks.

Also there is what looks like a pressed rib in the cab door about a foot up from the bottom but this is actually a mark in the photograph and extends all the way across the photo including across two men !

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