Thread: CMP trailer
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Old 22-02-05, 04:33
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hammond, Ontario
Posts: 5,213
Default Play switch board operator...

Trying to relay a massage from a model T 'puter from the Isst Coast.... actually runs on Cod oil......
hi bob, hope all is well. i tried to register at mlu to add to your discussion on military trailers, but no luck. ?(.....wonder why..?...Mr. moderator Bob C)....and the cat ate the shift key for upper case from poor Mikey's 'puter......

so, i figured i'd drop a line this way. you are correct about there being versions of this trailer with 13" wheels.....i have one, which was manufactured by eagle engineering...i think. it's in great shape, and still has it's original tires fitted10.50 x13"road tread, i also have the spare that came with it. up until i saw this posting, mine was the only one that had seemed to surface at least on the web. i'm sure there are tons of these in use on farms. mine was plucked from a local scrap yard about fifteen years ago by an uncle. currently, it get's used to haul lobster traps, and fishing gear. when the inlaws are finished with it, it will be landing at the maces bay motor pool for full restoration. i don't have a scanner, but jeff caldwell has a pic of this trailer that he could probably e mail you if guys in high computer starts by hand crank like a model t, and has a smoke stack on the back.

cheers bob!!
By golly I gun and dun it..... Nice hearing from you Mike.

Mike... if at all possible can you get some pictures of the 13" model.... if you can't post a picture draw me a sketch....teehee

Who else has seen or still know of some in existance......??

As for the Sask. model.... hope someone gets it....
Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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