Thread: Covid-19
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Old 24-03-20, 01:31
rob love rob love is offline
carrier mech
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Shilo MB, the armpit of Canada
Posts: 7,530

They have not closed the provincial borders here yet, but they have talked about it. In the meantime, they have closed the US/Cdn border with the exceptions of commercial goods, Cdns or Americans trying to return home, and a few other exceptions. One of those was Roxham Road, where the illegal border /refugees would enter Canada (from the USA) to have the RCMP help them with their luggage and taken to a suitable hotel for the next bunch of years. However, with all the legal closures, the government had to finally shut that down.

On the home front, there are few to no restaurants open for sit down meal anymore, and a few are now offering curb service. I went to home depot today and they only have one entrance and you must take a shopping cart as that is how they determine how many customers are in the store. I think the max is 50 people in the store.

Stores and the malls around here are like ghost towns. Canada had 500,000 people apply for unemployment last week, although now both Walmart and Amazon are hiring 10,000 more to meet the demand of online sales.

We are still in the early stages in this, with just around 2100 confirmed cases, and 24 deaths. The majority of those are seniors, and some of those are in senior homes where an infected worker passed it on to residents.

On the plus side, the weather is finally warming up and the snow is melting. It will be nice to be able to walk the property and be out of the house. It has been a long winter.
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