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Old 02-04-20, 00:18
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada
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Hi Chris.

Would that it could be so easy with this 52-Set Sender. It had to be the middle assembly of the three that now needs bits reconnected. It is completely blocked on either side by the other two assemblies. I have no idea how the left side of the Sender Chassis was assembled at the factory to even guess at a disassembly process. On the right side, the Condenser Assembly is indeed mounted by just four shock mounted screws. However, once it was installed in the chassis, T3A was installed and wired in which blocks access to the two forward screws mounting the Condenser. The rear screws are now also blocked, once a circuit board holding 4 caps and 6 resisters was installed and wired up.

On the other hand, "if" I can free the front panel easily, the full front of the Flick Mechanism that needs a fix is fully open and accessible. And hopefully, nothing will require unsoldering.

Currently, of all the screws I can see on the front panel, I have sorted what 75% of them do and I think that covers all the ones securing the front panel. The others still need closer inspection to see if they hold items to the panel that can stay put, or need to come out,,,and if the latter, how to get access to them to do so.

I am going to approach it in baby steps for sure. Trying to wrap my head around the entire concept as a single issue would empty our wine cellar!


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