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Old 13-04-20, 18:33
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada
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Default BLOWERS, Electric, 4-Blade, No. C1 ZA/CAN 4411

I was able to do a quick unsoldering of the power cable to the BLOWERS Assembly this morning and remove the BLOWERS.

The first photo shows the BLOWERS Assembly still mounted to the Access Door, but free of its power connection to the Sender.

I can see no useful need to remove the BLOWERS from its Mount so shall leave them as an easily serviced unit. In the second photo you can see the free standing (sitting?) BLOWERS with its hardware. The positioning of the hardware is relevant to the three legs of the mount. Notice that there is no lock washer for the hardware used in the upper right mount (viewed from the front of the BLOWERS). That is the mount where the ground connection is made for the BLOWERS with a locking terminal that fits under the hex nut. All hex nuts were clear lacquered in place when installed.

The last photo is an important one. When I was examining the BLOWERS in situ on the Access Door, it looked like the three short posts on the BLOWERS Shock Mount were riveted in place through the rubber bushings, but I was not absolutely certain of that. When I had backed off the three hex nuts securing the mount, the three posts moved with the BLOWERS assembly, but when the BLOWERS was finally free from the Access Door, I gave one of the posts a gentle turn and it pulled free of a metal sleeve fitted inside the rubber bushing. So be careful of these three posts should you ever be removing the BLOWERS from your 52-Set. They could go dancing off somewhere inconvenient if allowed.

Attached Thumbnails
WS No. 52 BLOWERS, Electric 3.JPG   WS No. 52 BLOWERS, Electric 4.JPG   WS No. 52 BLOWERS, Electric 5.JPG  
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