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Old 03-05-20, 01:02
rob love rob love is online now
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Originally Posted by Robin Craig View Post
If you have two years to do anything why would anyone alter anything in haste only to have a new government overturn it all? Asking for a friend . ..
Well now were getting heavy into politics, but here goes:
Last election the Liberals won only a minority, (they actually got less votes than the opposition party) and Trudeau suffered from over exposure combined with stupidity. At the end of the election, he kind of took a lower position, and his deputy minister was supposed to do a lot of the public exposure. However, with Covid, he has been coming out once a day to say nothing, and with some of their shortfalls on handling the crisis here, are worried about their government falling once parliament is sitting again. Remember, it was the Liberals who tried to sneak in that bit into the emergency bill that would have given them unchallenged powers to regulate, tax and spend until the end of 2021. Coincidental, that is when the bulk of theLiberal MPs would qualify for pensions (56 years).
Gun control is a wedge issue. If the conservatives come out too strong against it they will be played as rednecks come next election. If they remain quiet, then the gunowners, who are passionate of their sport, will not provide monetary support. Make no mistake, they are also ridign the cotails of the Nova Scotia event, which quite frankly would not have changed one iota if these rules were in place then.

Trudeau has been running high deficits since he got into the position 5 years ago. He had and had little room to maneuver when Covid hit. We are now into a recession, and things are going to be tough for the next few years. They will use any tricks they can find to try and maintain power.
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