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Old 03-05-20, 14:17
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Robert Bergeron Robert Bergeron is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: East Central Canada
Posts: 1,493

British Mortar ML-3 Inch , British Mortar ML-4.2 Inch , Rocket Launcher Panzerfaust 3 and all similar WW2 relics , US Mortar M1 & Mk2 , US Recoilless M20 of Korean war vintage , Boys Mark 1*, Boys Mk 1 , All the German and Russian Anti Tank rifles from WW1 to WW2 , TNW Browning M2 to name just a few . Yes , the empty fiberglass M72 is on the list right beside the TOW, Javelin, Stinger , Milan , Dragon and Fagot !
44 GPW / 44 C-15-A Cab 13 Wireless 5 with 2K1 box X 2 /
44 U.C. No-2 MKII* /
10 Cwt Cdn Brantford Coach & Body trailer X 2 /
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