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Old 17-12-20, 17:45
Jon McGrath Jon McGrath is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 49

Hanno, thank you so much for your research. I find it quite amazing and fascinating what the MLU members can determine from such old photos.

Yes, I will try to get a better scan that shows census numbers, but it might not be for a few days. The original photos are in 3"x5" format and have become quite faded.

You mention a small submarine. I am quite certain that I have a picture of a picture of a small submarine. As I recall it is placed on two supports, one fore and one aft. I will try to find that photo, as well. However, I think I am in the photo and that it was taken sometime between late 1960 and early 1964, when my family was stationed with the Canadian army in the Ruhr (Hemer specifically) and during which time we made several trips to the Netherlands. I will see what more photos I can find, but it will take a few days.

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