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Old 12-05-03, 19:10
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Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
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Default Re: Old Forum is still there- Need the secrete

Originally posted by Phil Waterman
How about it Geoff or Hanno you seem to be able to find the correct old threads?

I use Google - go to Advanced search at and fill in the key words in the field "with all of the words" or "with the exact phrase".

Then type "" in the field "[Only] results from the site or domain". It helps to fill in "Maple Leaf Up" in the "with the exact phrase" field to narrow down the search to the Old MLU Forum.

Hit "Google Search".

Scroll the pages looking for that elusive lost thread. Make sure you click on "Cached", as the threads on the Old MLU Forum were moved to the top when a new reply was added. Google searches the web and makes caches of the pages they find. So if you click on the live link provided, you will get to the page where the item was located, and it will undoubtely have moved after Google cached the page.

Difficult to explain, try it first and see how you fare.

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