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Old 25-03-05, 21:12
Matt Matt is offline
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Location: North Wales,UK
Posts: 65
Default Repro/Fake

Hi Geoff and Rob
I'm not saying I have anything against reproductions of anything which is hard to find such as insignia or vehicle manuals but as a collector what I can't abide are those who knowingly reproduce or fake somthing and then pass it of as genuine,eg signing paperwork,naming a uniform,putting a group of medals together etc. these people don't care who they rip off,whether they are faking signed photos of Ringo Starr,an old master,or militaria.

So as I said there is nothing wrong at all in my opinon with reproducing somthing but there is everything wrong with faking somthing,lets face it without people like Rob many military vehicle owners(me included) would be up the creek as it were,but on the other hand if I were to buy a manual from Rob,write a drivers name and number along with his vehicle and unit on the cover and wipe my oily mits all over it,hey presto! a genuine ETO combat carried manual for a CMP worth God knows what on's all about what the intentions are behind the reproduction.

I'll get off my soap box now!
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