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Old 22-02-22, 21:22
Hanno Spoelstra's Avatar
Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: The Netherlands
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Default Help wanted for testing

Just talked to Shawn tonight to discuss the migration plan he set up. It looks good, next step for him is to contact vBulletin to make arrangements for a test environment to be set up. This means we will migrate a copy of the database of this forum and set it up to use the new front end (the part which you see and use through your PC / laptop / mobile device). We will then test to see if the functionality we are used to works as it should.

For this testing I am looking for a couple of members to log onto the test environment and go about doing your thing as you usually would. So do a couple of searches, start a new thread, reply to an existing one, attach a few photos, send a PM, etc. I will look at the admin side of this and Shawn and vBulletin will tackle the technical stuff.

Who can help? Please send me an email if you are willing to spend a few hours testing the new software and share your experiences.

If all looks good after testing, we will do the final migration. This means that the current version of forum will be taken down for a few hours - maybe even a full day - for the then current database to be migrated, the software to be set up and for the new version of MLU to go live.

I will let you know the date for that well in advance, so you can plan and spend your day in real life as Shawn suggested So instead of gazing at your computer screen you can take your significant other out for dinner, go out dancing or see a movie. This will earn you loads of brownie points to be spent on many hours on the new & revamped MLU.

Stay tuned,
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