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Old 21-03-22, 01:50
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Winnipeg, MB
Posts: 3,405

It has been a while since my last update, but not much has been done on the project, primarily due to the fact I have not been able to source appropriate resisters needed to determine the output from the MG2A HP Dynamotor in the Supply Unit. Either no stock exists in town for reasonably priced resistors, or they have to be ordered in at ridiculous prices per unit plus shipping. I just cannot justify the expense for a 30 second test and then never use the resistors again.

I did bounce some ideas around with a friend and came up with a simple, quick test I can do using available equipment. It will not give me specific output data, but will tell me if the HP Dynamotor is in good working order, with enough confidence I can continue. Of course, there is still a wrinkle. I will only be able to perform the test when the front panel comes off, as I need access to both Low Tension terminals tucked in behind said panel.

The plan will be to feed 120 Volts AC into the two HT terminals and read the voltage output at the two LT terminals. It should be around the 1.5 Volts AC level if the windings in the Dynamotor are all in good working order. In the meantime, I have been running the Supply Unit on the bench for about 5 minutes a go, every few days and all appears just fine so far.

On a much brighter note, about 10 days ago we bit the bullet and finally bought a brand new 24-inch iMac to replace our original 21-inch from 2006. Been busy setting it up and doing the usual data clean and transfer from the old one. I have also downloaded some design software manuals onto my iPad to read up on. I think one of them may solve all, or most of the problems I have at the moment regarding the ability to design and make water slide transfer decals necessary to restore the front panels on the Supply Unit and Coils, Aerial Tuning assemblies.

So the overall project is still headed in the right direction.

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