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Old 24-06-22, 01:40
Chris Suslowicz Chris Suslowicz is offline
Junior Password Gnome
Join Date: May 2007
Location: England
Posts: 819

The information on the internet is somewhat inconsistent (not to mention scanty), but there appear to be several trade patches:

Crossed flags - worn by infantry signallers (and R.(C.) Sigs. instructors.)

Lineman patch - telegraph pole with cross arms
Electrician (signals) - valve (or lightbulb)
Wireless Operator - vertical fist holding six lightning bolts
??? - coloured ring (red or yellow) with six lightning bolts.

These appear to have been discontinued at some point during WW2, and you just get the unit shoulder title, division patch, maybe a TRF patch, and rank insignia.

I looked for a reference book on these but Amazon wanted £100+ for a used copy. (A better search found the same book for £10 so I've ordered that!)

More later!

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