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Old 15-01-23, 03:48
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hammond, Ontario
Posts: 5,213
Default What is the fuzzz????

Interesting read.....

Wig netting made of horsehair or cow mane along with coir, which is coconut husks, to me are the most promising.....

I read that fine steel wool will not burn....... of which I totally disagree...steel wool can be ignited using a 9 volt battery..... ask any survival expert..... it burns fast and hot........ my wife uses steel wool to produce special effects in night time photography.......coconut coir might smolder for a while and hair will only smoke and stink.

Jordan's pictures shows well how the under laying square mesh was applied then the fuzzy stuff on top....... but what was the fuzzy stuff???? once you realize that the fuzz is attached to an under layer of mesh it is apparent that the top fuzz is not so tick after all....

Any pictures of shivering bald horses or bald cows (Scottish long horn cattle) to support the theory???
Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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