Thread: 1942 cmp f15a
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Old 18-02-23, 00:58
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hammond, Ontario
Posts: 5,213
Default Good to see you attacking the beast.

For the best job on your brakes.....take everything apart and sandblast clean....even lightly on the shoes....... until you can read FORD.....

Pay particular attention at the backing plate with the "snail" ajustments which once cleaned will need some tender attention and lots of WD 40 or equivalent and maybe some heat...... they can break off........ You may also need to replace the rear sheet metal funny looking oil seal.....available at Mac Auto as a Ford truck part. Inspect the wheel bearings carefully for possible about $80 a side for bearings and race any good bearing truck center can find modern replacement.....usually by size rather than inscribed part number.. get yourself the proper axle nut size socket as it makes it easier to preload the bearings on re assembly.

Nice job on the home made "Yard" rims....

Get your drum turned to match the radii of the brake lining..... lots of steel on those drums.....machine shop should have no problem matching curve of drums to lining which will help immensely when adjusted ...

Same applies to the front axle brake assembly except the oi seal is 6.5 inches and still available....some stores will have them in stock as they are used, I was told, in modern commercial bread making machines.

How are the brake cylinders....... new ones or relined in SS....? same for the master .

If you are stumped just send an email.
Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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