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Old 23-08-23, 02:50
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hammond, Ontario
Posts: 5,213
Default Only seven were ever made.......

One was destroyed during testing.....

One is at the Plow Share museum near Ottawa...

One is somewhere North of Oshawa...... previously from Andre Moreau of Cantley PQ..........

One in Calgary.......

Strange the Calgary one seems slightly different....for example the tailgate is straight across..... the ex Cantley truck had a scooped out center section on the tailgate to allow a long shaft outboard motor to be fitted for faster water travel... cab layout also seems different.... again the Cantley one had a driver's seat and a long 3 passenger front seat.

Extremely maneuverable over rough terrain......scary since the driver's position is slightly ahead of the front axle........and floats in a scary nose down when swimming with out a load at the rear.

The oddity is that if you wanted to float you needed to manually make sure the drain ports underneath were bolted shut......... crossing a fast moving stream not deep enough to float..... you needed to open the ports and let the water inside the bilge compartment or risk being pushed sideways while crossing a stream with fast current. The original 318 engine had a waterproof ignition/carburetor similar to the Dodge M37. Then ex- Cantley model had water cooled jackets on each rear end and front end...... about 3 inches thick and held in place between the axle casting and the differential sheet metal cover.... it was plumbed to the radiator cooling system.... disc brakes mounted in board inside the bilge area.

Favorite trick after filling up the bilge ( which contained dead leaves, muck, oil and lubricant residue ) was to pull up ob shore and rush close to another 4x4 and turn on the bilge pump which would spray a steady 2 in. stream of dirty water at whom ever was standing or parked to close......

Can't remember who purchase it in the GTA area or whether it was ever restored.

Bob C.
Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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