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Old 22-09-23, 06:28
maple_leaf_eh maple_leaf_eh is offline
Terry Warner
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Shouting at clouds
Posts: 3,106

A few thoughts come to mind after reading Robin's piece. And we know each other quite well, so his voice is clearly in my head now!

I tend to drive my HMV on secondary roads where the speed limit is 80 kph, and unless absolutely necessary, avoid higher speed limit roads. Not for road safety but because I don't want to be the slow poke at the head of long column of frustrated drivers expecting to go faster.

I have an SMV triangle for my spare tire, as I also have a high-visibility vest to drape over the jerry can. The intent is to be noticed by other drivers. I also have an SMV triangle on my galvanized steel utility trailer, because when towing it, I know the top speed will be at the posted limit for controllability.

We know HMVs on the road are a spectacle for others on the road, and they gawk. In the military I used to warn drivers they had to drive their 2 1/2-t truck with all its behaviours and remember to think for the person in their 4-door rattletrap car. There are always stories of drivers spearing their windshields while fixating on the muzzle of a towed 105-mm gun moving from one site to another.

Bob rightly mentions visibility inside the cab and especially with RHD vehicles. Other than beacons lights or illuminated placards, how else are approved road users expected to warn other drivers to share the road?
Terry Warner

- 74-????? M151A2
- 70-08876 M38A1
- 53-71233 M100CDN trailer

Beware! The Green Disease walks among us!
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