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Old 27-11-23, 02:34
Aide Memoire Aide Memoire is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Aldergrove, B.C.
Posts: 47

Currently the "store closing - discount prices" are not all that discounted, given a bunch of reports. The other news is that they're "planning to stay open a little longer now" and are thinking May 2024 so there's still some good old fashioned carnival salesmanship going on. Will there be more pricing flexibility closer to May in the face of having to shift all of that inventory? Who knows. Personal experience in similar situations points towards a firm 'No' however.

Although they've said they're retiring because they've run it long enough etc. etc., Bruce is correct. They really don't have anything to sell anymore now that everything goes straight to the shredder. They're sort of the last gasp of the old-school surplus electronic places all the old Hams would frequent. In the surplus world we still have Mike Murphy and American Milspec and a couple of others but only if you live on the other side of the 49th and then only if you have the deepest of pockets.

Meanwhile Britain sells everything - Clansman, Bowman, armoured vehicles - fully equipped Ptarmigan pods - and to my knowledge despite being a small nation in the midst of many other nations - has not yet had someone try to hold up a Sainsburys with a 25 yr old radio. There's probably a lesson to be learned there - but it won't be learned by whomever is running the show in the electronics disposal section of DLA/ DRMS.
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