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Old 24-06-05, 00:37
Vets Dottir
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Default Re: Message to Karmen

Originally posted by Garry Shipton
My dearest Karmen.
Owing to the fact that I cannot attend Chatsworth,because of my youngest daughters' graduation ceremony this Saturday at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel here in Montreal,can you remember to bring the damn camera,so I may rejoice in this once a year happening.Don't do as in Ottawa i.e.forget a CAMERA.Oh yes,don't forget the frying pan9Take a picture of Tonner laid out after the fact!!

Best Regards,

Your two friends
Me and the Shadster(Woof)
My DEAR-esssssssst 2 friends, Garry and Shadster,


The dammed Camera is packed , as I sit here typing , and WOOF WOOF to you too and DO be prepared to rejoice as you view the Candid-Camera-Shots once the CC4 film is developed to CD. I don't know that Grandpa Tonner ( : ) can drag hisself away from his wee bittie granddaughter or writing to be there though ???

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to your youngest Daughters' (therefore yours as parents) milestone event ... NOTE TO YOU: Don't forget to take your dammed camera!!!! SHADOW ... BITE HIM TO REMIND HIM

(frying pan is packed)

Your Friend,

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