Thread: London Blasts
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Old 08-07-05, 15:43
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chris vickery chris vickery is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Nipissing Ontario Canada
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First off, my condolences to the British people on yesterdays tragic event in London.
While watching the television news this morning, I couldn't help but being a little astonished at some of the people that were being interviewed in Toronto. Of course, the media were asking the "what if" and "are you worried, scared" etc that it may happen here. I was suprised to hear the comments, as most people were saying really stupid things like "everyone loves Canadians", " it wouldn't happen here, as we a passive and kind people" etc etc.
I am sure that many of these people were your typical Liberal, hug a tree, Zen inspired know nothings who spend most of their time sipping double latte while discussing their rights to same sex marriage etc. What a bunch of crap.
It amazes me as to how stupid some Canadians can be.
I just read two interesting articles on terrorism which would scare the shit out of most.
One was on Wolfgang Droege, leader of the Heritage Front, the white supremisist movement in Canada and the fellow who aided CSIS in infiltrating the group, Grant Bristow. What became very evident in the fall of this group and that of the WAR (White Aryan Nation) was that there are many followers of the ideology preached by them without there being a direct connection.
This is the kind of thing that makes law and security enforcement officials shake in their boots; that of splinter organizations acting on their own, committing crimes and terrorist activities "in the name of."
This is what has become of Al Qaida (sp), as noted by some of the worlds top intellegence officials. There is no longer an official organization or group one is associated with, but, rather an endorsement of ideology with loose knit followers acting on their own.
The other article I read was a report from a government insider in the security business who reported that there are at least 50 known terrorist groups or individuals associated with these groups running around Canada. Who can sleep at night and just pretend that this doesn't exist?
I'm sorry, but I can see the day when people personal rights in a "free" society will eventually be eroded in the name of national security. Who wins then?
As far as I'm concerned, our immigration policy is garbage, as many of the people coming here shouldn't be allowed in the first place. Do we really wonder why the Americans are so worried about our careless attitude and sympathetic nature? Unfortunately, I can see a day that may come, where nobody will be allowed to travel here - no immigration or unwelcomed international citizens, other than those with appropriate clearances.
I have heard from a number of British people who have emmigrated to Canada in the last 30 years about the effects of an open immigrastion policy, such as that of the UK. It sounds to me that this system was implimented without much thought, or policing to help intigrate foreigners into "our" free society.
I am not a racist person, but as a WASP male living in Canada of British heritage, I can only sit here and become more of a minority whose rights get less and less everyday, due to the appeasement of special interest groups and "human rights" activists.
Point of fact- many of the so-called champions of human rights have come here from a place where they had none, or where they were pursecuted because of their criminal intentions or activities - my message; be happy that you are here to stand on your soapbox on the corner and peach how you are being violated by the Canadian government and our society at large.
At the risk of getting jumped on here, as far as I see it, many of these terror organizations are assisted by their fellow countrymen. To make this point clear, it is no different than the store owner in 1920's Chicago who turned a blind eye to the antics of the Mobster running rackets, for fear of repercussions.
What about cetain ethnic communities here in Toronto where shootings are an everyday occurance. And why? Because normal citizens ignore the drug dealer living next door, or "see nothing" when something goes down. Or the family who sponsors a well known terrorist when they come here for a "visit". You people are just as guilty: here it is called aiding and abetting. If the people would stand up and say no in their towns, cities, communities, it would be a big step into the elimination of crime and hatred we call terrorism.
Thats my rant of the day, I'm sure I'm gonna get it from someone...
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