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Old 08-07-05, 15:47
RichTO90 RichTO90 is offline
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Originally posted by Wolfkin
Apparently, it might have been in July 1944 or August 1944 that the Armoured Squadrons changed from a 3 Tank X 5 Troop format to a 4 Tank X 4 Troop format. I know that the Armoured Squadrons in the 4th Armoured Division were organized in a 4 Tank X 4 Troop format for the offensives in August 1944 but I do not know about the Armoured Squadrons in the 2nd Armoured Brigade.
Hi Wolfie! (sorry, couldn't resist )

At least 10 CAR was organized as:

10th Armoured Regiment (Fort Gary Horse)
RHQ and HQ Squadron – three Stuart tanks, one ARV, two scout cars, and one Valentine bridgelayer (attached from 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade)
A Squadron – SHQ and five troops each of two Sherman and one Sherman Vc
B & C Squadrons – each SHQ and five troops of three Sherman-DD each, plus two ‘spare’
There were also two Sherman Vc crewed by 10th CAR personnel (First Reinforcements) in LCT (CB) that were on charge to 259th Corps Delivery Squadron. They joined B Squadron after the assault.

It appears this was the organization used by all the DD-equipped armoured regiments, albeit not all had the spare Fireflies.

Hope that helps.

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