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Old 04-09-05, 14:50
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Mark W. Tonner Mark W. Tonner is offline
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Originally posted by Dianne
Hi Mark:

Thanks for translating my dad's service records. They make more sense now.

You asked me how I knew the FMR headquarters was in Lewes....well way back when, I posted a message on the Wartime Memories Project and Peter Mason of Newhaven suggested that I should check out the cdnregiments board which I did. I read all the messages for the past 3 years [I don't get out much! LOL] and I found Report # 41 dated 9 Aug 41
Ref. Ordnance Survey Eng and Wales CDN Military HQ
Movement of Second CDN Division to South Coast
The Director Historical Section General Staff
National Defence HQ. Ottawa, Canada

In that report it is stated that the battalion FMR is already noted in reserve in the Lewes area with HQ in Lewes, East Sussex. ......this implies to me that the unit was spread out in camps or billeted in the town and only HQ at Astley House in Lewes.

Peter Mason is the treasurer at the Newhaven Museum in Newhaven, UK. He also sent me the email for the Sussex newspaper and they printed my request to hear from people who may know of the FMR. Well, I had no idea what kind of response I'd get but it was fantastic!

Several people confirmed that FMR HQ was in Lewes. They sent me pictures of Astley House as well as the old Naval Prison where some of the FMR were billeted.

I was also told that some FMR were in Iford, south of Lewes. Also many knew of the FMR from the Dieppe Raid. One gentleman sent me pictures of the Canadian Memorial in Newhaven.

But I still don't know where my dad was billeted!!! I know for a fact that he lived in a tin hut while in UK. He told my mom in a letter and I have several pictures of him standing beside one. In a letter dated Dec 25/42 to my mom he complains that the tin huts are cold, can only heat them at night and they are poorly lit, they are lit by oil lamps.

I know what you are thinking??? Well, maybe not, I mustn't make assumptions!! No, in all my dad's letters to my mom, he never once said where he was exactly. I do know for a fact that he was in East Sussex because he did tell me that years ago and that he was near my great grandmother's town, Newhaven, but never got to visit her. He mentions her several times in his letters.

Another report that I found on the cdnregiments board was Report # 85 by Major C.P.Stacy, Historical Officer CDN Military HQ Oct. 30/42

And on page 11 Transports in Convoy Troop Convoys N.A. 1-N.A. 16

I found that section very interesting and of course the ship info that you sent me was in that report.

Well this is all I can think of right now. And thank goodness, you're all saying!!

I lookforward to hearing from you again.....Thanks.....Dianne
Hi Dianne;

Reference LEWES, you found the reports (CMHQ and AHQ) that I was going to direct you to, which is good. If you have any other questions, please ask, the people here are glad to help and MA (aka Karmen) adds 'colour' commentary and 'comic' relief to all.

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