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Old 11-09-05, 16:14
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Tony Smith Tony Smith is offline
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Default Sept 11 anniversary (Not what you think!)

September 11 marks the 53rd birthday (or anniversary of the first successful "flight") of the AIM-9 Sidewinder missle. The AIM-9A was first successfully tested today 53 years ago when launched from an F86 Sabre and brought down a radio-controlled Grumman F2F jet. The Sidewinder missle has been issued to most western and allied Airforces in the past 50 years and has seen combat service with Taiwan (1956, the first kill), in Vietnam, in Arab-Israeli wars, in the Falklands, in airstrikes against Libya and Iran, and 2 Gulf wars. The Sidewinder was copied by the Soviets and appeared as the Atoll 2D.
Although modified and updated over the years (the current version is the AIM-9S), the Sidewinder must rate along with the Colt 1911, the 40mm Bofors and 25pdr as an item of Ordnance with a service history longer than most current soldiers.
Any others you can think of?
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