Thread: Smokin'
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Old 09-10-05, 22:34
Richard Notton
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Hanno Spoelstra
Ah, the good old halfzware shag. Master R., can you remember what this translated into?
Well, I did think it inferred a half-dressed bonk, perhaps keeping your socks on, however, I now realise it really means half-heavy and shag is a finer cut of tobacco.

Doubtless those Dutch bargees smoke full-heavy shag in those very Dutch, very short-stemmed pipes. I have one here, little stumpy thing in its own zip-up chamois leather pouch.
Geez, watch out if you sneeze when rolling a sjekkie or there's a weeks wage blown out of the window.
Exactly so Mijnheer McSpool. Wij zouden dat niet willen, wij?

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