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Old 10-03-06, 17:32
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Hanno Spoelstra Hanno Spoelstra is offline
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Default Re: Kangaroos

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball
Needless to say, both Hanno and I (and I'm sure others such as Clive) would be delighted to see as many of the 1CACR Rams identified by W/D number (as well as by name if possible).
A start for this was made here. In the past few (7, come to think of it!) years people like Bill and Kevin have collected many more data. What we need is a central point to collect and amend this sort of data. The first step is to determine the format before someone spends a huge amount of time entering data into a spreadsheet, webpage or database, only to find out it was the wrong choice. I'm thinking something along the lines of what the Power-Wagon Registry has available on-line would fit the bill.

Any thoughts on this? Who can help? Any IT guru's here?

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