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Old 01-04-06, 21:00
Richard Notton
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Re: SU pumps

Originally posted by Pete Ashby
There you go again !!! how you people live in such a country defeats me.
Quite so, perhaps the finest legal minds here that selected the original population weren't so far off the mark after all. . . . . .

Ah yes SU indeed R, that machine gun rattle announcing that yet again I'd run out of petrol......... or the silence when the ignition was turned on that resulted in turning all the junk out of the boot to whack the pump with the ever ready jack handle.
Gosh! You must have had a good one.
10/10 to BLMC for putting the Mini pump on the rear subframe where it was both unreachable and basked in a diet of salt water and road crud.
The OCMP use modern 12 volt pumps and for the little use they are put to seem to be reliable
Indeed so, I am a little shocked that Richard F finds the Autovac unreliable, a device that functions even with its float punctured, fills the carb before start-up and selected by the Army for its reliability over other types; indeed all those hordes of busses and coaches with the Autovac outside on the set back bulkhead doing service year in and out.

Rory's PU one is a delight and I see the CDSW Autovac is in assembly on the bench. Whereas the SU pump "overhauled" to "as-new", by a well known firm of carb and fuel experts whose name begins with B, gave a few desultory clicks and then refused to go without continual tapping. This is about the third I've seen in the last 2 years fitted in high hopes of an as-new and expected reliable device, at some expense, that has been a dismal failure.

Pete, ol' chap; perhaps we'll have the pleasure of yourself and some OCMPG people later in May.

Must dash, forms to do.

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