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Old 18-05-06, 05:39
rob love rob love is offline
carrier mech
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Shilo MB, the armpit of Canada
Posts: 7,548

The media circus has already begun. Today the media contacted the surviving spouse of one of the guys who was killed in Afghanistan a few months back. (They wanted her opinion on this death; She had nothing to tell them). What won't these parasites do to get a story.
When this same spouse requested that the funeral service for her husband be private, and without the media, the vampires were waiting at the gate to film the funeral procession.

I was with A battery until my retirement a couple of years ago, and remember 2lt Goddard's innocent, yet smiling attitude. Being the new guy on the block meant that she was constantly given many of the battery's mundane assignments, all of which she cheerfully accepted. The grin shown in her photograph was the grin one would always see on her.
It was with great regret that I lowered my Canadian flag to half mast this afternoon.
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