Thread: Brian Bowman
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Old 10-07-06, 08:35
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Jon Skagfeld Jon Skagfeld is offline
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Default Re: Brian Bowman

Originally posted by RHClarke
On July 5th, the Swords&Ploughshares Museum staff received news of the passing of Brian Bowman. Brian was a regular supporter of the museum and its activities. Although he never caught the restoration "bug", he could be counted upon to lend support for various ceremonies that involved the museum and its CMP and SMP living history collection.

Brian was a leading figure in the 1st Anti-Tank Regiment, RCA, 2958 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps in Manotick/Kars, serving as the corps' commanding officer more than a few times. The S&P Museum and the cadet corps share facilities and interests in a truely symbotic relationship, one fostering an interest in the other. Many a cadet has gone on to become a volunteer at the museum and to learn to better appreciate the military heritage perpetuated by the Canadian Cadet Movement and the museum. The museum and the cadet corps formed strong bonds in large part to Brian's efforts.

He will be missed.
Having served my last 12 or so years as a CIC officer,(part of a total of 37 years of relatively undetected crime) I should like to think that I've somehow, perhaps, moulded a few Air Cadets' persona into something more than what is "usually" considered to be acceptable in todays society.

It's my personal, and empirical, opinion that the Royal Canadian Air Cadets are an organization which offers Canadian youth a vast array of programs leading to personal self satisfaction, physical fitness and community involvement.

In their vernacular...Air Cadets rock!!!!
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