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Old 18-08-06, 20:37
Bob Carriere Bob Carriere is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hammond, Ontario
Posts: 5,213
Default All depends.....

Hi Jordan

The original loom was a set of wires assembled and then a special machine wove a cotton loom tight over the wires.... only repro wirign shops can do that work..... although Phil Waterman has that end of the business sorted out.....

The looms you are looking at are better described as a "Universal loom" into which you will insert your pre selected and pre cut individual wires......... so you may need 5 feet of the 1/2 inch for the thicker part near the centre and instrument panel and smaller sizes as you get to the rear end for tail lights...... may also depends if you are installing 2 or 4 tail lights and possibly double filaments for turn signals....

In the absence of the real woven looms these tar impregnated hollow tubes are not bad at all.....

I would suggest a 1/2 for the heavier sections and possibly 3/8 for the rest....... remember you do not want it too tight or you will have hard time snaking the individual wires in the tube....

Talk to Phil........ look at his site and see how he used a sheet of plywood to repro the wiring harness.... he is a pro....

Bob C.
Bob Carriere....B.T.B
C15a Cab 11
Hammond, Ontario
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