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Old 24-09-03, 03:03
Jim Jim is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: London Ontario Canada
Posts: 59
Default Regina Rifles

Well!!! I guess I will have to wait for awhile longer to find out more info, about the War Diaries.
Today I talked to the National Archives and was told to send another letter to request a copy of the War Diaries.They are available and will cost $.40 / copied page. and there are about 20 pages per month of just the Diaries. Also there are more pages of full material in the monthly envelope.

Anyway I will be looking into that process later,


1 - On the first page of my Uncle's ATTESTATION PAPER first line states-- Unit NO.7 District Depot ( GENERAL LIST ) .
What does the GENERAL LIST MEAN ?

2 - This Form ( looks like ) M.F.M.1 and 2. Record of promotions.
What does this mean? S.O.S. on transfer to No.70C.A. Fredericton N.B.
Further accross the page under ( Part 11 D.O. No. Cas. List, Etc.) it states a number ( 137).

3 - Next line . T.O.S. No.70 C.A. (B) T.C.
Further across the page under ( same as above) it states the number ( 143)
What do these numbers mean?
I don't understand the Letters as in TOS or SOS.or the ( B).T.C.
C.A. I assume it means CANADIAN ARMY. ( Not Sure )
Thanking you in advance.
More to follow.
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