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Old 17-09-06, 02:36
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RHClarke RHClarke is offline
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Default The Best Cup of Coffee in the World!

Originally posted by Rob Fast
to that cup of Timmie's, a couple of those minus the spillage all over the new paint job, and I think you will be surprised how close it will start to look like "DTB #2" , Dog Turd Brown No. 2!!! Cheers Rob
From paint to coffee...The Baileys sounds real good, but I recall the best cuppa I ever had was in the wilds of Valcartier (one of Quebec's major military training areas). It was O'dark thirty, I had been on a night recce for a night occupation in the middle of a damned blizzard. The guns arrived a few hours late, it took more time than necessary to pass line, and when the storm finally cleared up, it was time to recce the alternate position. By the time I dragged my worn out butt back to the gun line, most of the coffee was gone.

My recce tech and TSM fired up a Coleman stove, ripped open a few packets of "Anytime" coffee and we enjoyed one of the most satisfying cuppa ever.

I must admit, today I felt much satisfaction with the paint job, but nothing approaching the satisfaction of sharing a kettle with true professionals who shared the load.
Why is it that when you have the $$, you don't have the time, and when you have the time you don't have the $$?
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