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Old 18-09-06, 01:28
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Bill Miller Bill Miller is offline
Son of Kangaroo Trooper
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Calgary, AB Canada
Posts: 162
Default 6th Anti-Tank Rams.

Great photos Marco, what is the original source... I am looking for photos of the 6A/T Rams...

The 74th and 103rd Batteries were Ram towed guns (33 and 56 Btys were M10 Tank Destroyers). Several times these two "Ram" batteries were pressed into service as "Kangaroos" as these pictures clearly show. most notably, in February, in the Hochwald Forest supporting the Lincoln & Welland Regiment and again in April.

From the history of the 6th Anti-Tank Regt(p.33):
"...the Rams were being utilized agin as infantry transporters. On 11 Apr these towers complete with drivers, co-drivers and Brownings, went under comd 3 Div...

For almost three weeks these vehs were employed carrying infantry about Northern Holland while the last round up of enemy in these areas was being made. No very heavy action was experienced by Regt. personnel but a great deal of driving was involved. During the period, about 450 miles were covered and the maintenance required to keep the vehs on the road waas prodigious."

This co-incides with the 1CACR (the real kangaroos) being pulled from frontline duty. Approx. the 16th of April until the 1st of May.

Here is another photo of "J2" to compliment Marco's post above. Probably taken in late October 1944 when the 103rd Bty was attached to 104 US (Timberwolf) Div.
Attached Thumbnails
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