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Old 18-09-06, 19:13
Robert Dabkowski Robert Dabkowski is offline
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Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 284
Default Boghound ...

Sorry, no photos that I know of. There was very little left by the time I saw it. I believe that the unit that bogged it was able to salvage much of the unit, including the turret and much internal equipment, by dismantling it in place.

Certainly the ground was too soft for any heavy lift gear to approach closely, at least when I was there, years later.

All that I was able to see was the top of the badly corroded hull, apparently cracked in half and mostly submerged.

I have heard a persistant rumour that the RCDs based in Petawawa did, in fact, manage to yank the remains out of the Winchester bog but that they were too badly rusted to even serve as the basis for a reproduction 'Hound. I have also been told that Camp Borden's 'Hound was then trucked to Petawawa for restoration instead but I am only spreading rumours at this point...

Perhaps someone else out there has more recent/reliable information to share ?
Veni, Vidi, Velcro // I Came, I Saw, I Stuck Around
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