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Old 11-11-06, 00:28
Pete Ashby Pete Ashby is offline
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Default Re: Re: Ah yes...childhood...

Originally posted by Vets Dottir
Todays kids are being taught fragility, helplessness, dependence, and lack of self-sufficiency or responsibility and accountability and a false sense of entitlement. Even when the parents try to raise and teach them all the good stuff, PC others, enmasse, come down on them and force their standards on that family and winning over that kids perceptions of being "effed over" by those parents.

We're steamrollered by a force of bullying to give up any sense of self-sufficiency, self-responsibility, and self-accountability. Our kids are taught that others are responsible and accountable for their own wellbeing and safety because they are too weak and vulnerable, too lamebrained, to "get it" and think and learn to do this for themselves. The flip side, our kids also feel both overly and underly responsible for others in unrealistic ways.

Yeah ... this topic twigged a little frustration and bitterness, and yes, a little heartbreak in me about some of this stuff

It ain't over yet though ...

I’ve got nothing to add to this you have summed it up completely.

And yes as is my way, there is an element of tongue in check about some of my posts but I do feel really strongly about this topic.

I see a generation being wasted without hope and without direction and it makes me really sad and not a little despondent. As you have seen my kids are not part of this grey army of hopelessness but I fear they will be overwhelmed by a nanny state
that will legislate the last spark of independence and spirit out of them. I sit hear typing this beneath pictures of two generations of my family who fought in two world wars to preserve both freedom of speech and thought only to see it being wasted away like dry sand through the hands of politicians who don't give a dam.

We worry about climbing trees or playing conkers while there are factions at large who's stated aim is to destroy me and my children and the ideals that my Father and Grandfather fought for, it is a very strange world and one that to a large extent I am opting out of.

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