Thread: Get a book ...
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Old 04-12-06, 00:53
Vets Dottir
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Default Re: Re: Get a book ...

Originally posted by Alex Blair
you will be in your glory...Most libraries have FREE INTERNET...!!!

WE need a coffee drinking smiley just for you..
NOw you got to figger how to get your sleeping bag and your coffee pot set up across the street..
Maybe you could be employed there as a "Book worm" or researcher,or a little people helper or some other job that is suited to your talents and abilities..
I don't have to tell you to keep us posted...
Great news..!!
Yes ... I used to be a compulsive library visitor and always piles and piles of books to lug back and forth to libraries.

And YES ... a coffee drinking smilie would be great ... something to represent the TIM HORTONS coffee I so enjoying drinking
I ain't givin' up my 24/7 access at home and I have a handy little wheeled shopping cart to lug books back and forth. If it breaks down or I can't walk again, I'll catch one of those deer walking by my place, harness it to a sleigh, and have it transport me and books back and forth, and stay home drinking TH's and my brains out in comfortable compulsivity ...

By the way, what an awesome :idea: idea you just gave me regards the library ... I wonder if they would have any use for a flexible part-time limited abilities helper such as myself????????????? I'm going to ask them!

Happy Yappy
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