Thread: M152
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Old 08-12-03, 07:04
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JD Baillie JD Baillie is offline
West Coaster
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Victoria BC
Posts: 209

They used to carry the 46 set, C42, 106, the air to ground set the number of which I can't remember, also had the SB22, SB86, 77, 125 and any other radio Canada used from 1954 to 1978.
Earlier I put a post up looking for a 152 and someone posted a terrific picture of the back with chair and radios. Was looking for it but I think Geoff might have deleted the string as it should've been in the wanted section.
Our reserve trucks carried a mixture of C42 and C46 sets with SB22s.
There is a wrecker's yard near Edmonton with 5 M152s in it. One of them is a sleeper, one has been roof raised and camperized... this almost looked as if it was a local military modification but I couldn't be sure and the rest are basic shells only one of which has all 4 wheels.
The pic below is of my new (to me) M152. Deal went through this weekend.

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Here we go in bull low,
stuck in four wheel drive....
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