Thread: Heads Up: 10.50-16 directional tyres
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Old 09-08-07, 11:28
Keith Orpin Keith Orpin is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Oxford,UK
Posts: 360
Default 10.50x16 Tyres

Bob and Sapper,
I've just received an E.Mail from Wallace Wade asking how many I require (although I told him 4). The E.Mail also says they are being made, although he did'nt say when they would be availiable. No problem with shipping to the UK, as they can be shipped airport to airport.. The cost of each tyre is $176, with the US $ exchange rate at just over $2.00 to the UK £, this looks like a good deal. I guess the next question is, does anyone else require any of this size tyre in the UK or Europe, and if so is it worth us getting a larger order up together, maybe a containers worth ?
Thoughts please
P.S. I shall be unavailiable for the next couple of weeks, as of the 18th August, but i will get back on to this when I return.
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