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Old 28-01-04, 02:41
Vets Dottir
Posts: n/a
Default Calgary -37 +windchill Daughter= frostbite

-5 block walk / hat ,,, no gloves
-tears froze IN eyes... couldn't see
-couldn't open door ... hands frozen ... unbendable hands and fingers that felt like they would break if she bumped them
-ears bright red very HUGE she says, swollen now
-thumbs bright red very swollen now

-fear ... that she was going to lose her hands
-fear ... homeless people and pets / animals

-now? thawing out after advice from hospital She's ok ... frostbitten. Hospital told her NOT to re-expose to outside ...

having hot-chocolate, warm bath, eyes opened about weather and mortality.

Calls to Mom ... to talk.

My darling young daughter was raised in mild BC.
I was raised in Manitoba, where when you say -20 thats FARENHEIT ...not celcius!

WINTER's no joke, my friends.

Manitoba winter, 25 yrs ago, childhood sweetheart and 3 friends out 4-wheeling, back country road. 20miles from civilization and help. Ran out of gas and the fill wasn't filled (someone forgot to check) Sweetheart ... got back, almost without his life. Lost his feet. Lost his 3 friends. They froze on the way ...

DRESS RIGHT - mother nature is powerful...


(my daughter is a little frostbitten and has learned a major lesson ... she's stunned! )
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