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Old 13-04-08, 13:10
Lang Lang is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Brisbane Australia
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My two bob's worth on the airport vs downtown.

I understand there is a possibility of losing the old assembly point with new roadworks but a transfer around the corner into the area where the loading ramp is provides even more area close to the caravan park.

I don't agree the line up is any sort of shambles as alluded to above. Everyone moves across in their own time and the pre-parade atmosphere is like the last day at school before the holidays. It is really the only time you can actually move around talking to every vehicle owner in a tight spot. I believe that half hour before the parade all parked in a loose pack does a great deal for team spirit and a feeling of belonging to something bigger than ourselves.

The move off always happens smoothly and people filter out in a polite order to create the big snake up the main street.

I, like many others, had serious misgivings about splitting the camps between the park and the airport. Having seen it in operation I can now say it is an experiment that worked extremely well. The "them and us" situation never happened. The tracked vehicles could move around a little which could not happen at the park. There was a continuous cross-pollination of vehicles travelling in both directions with functions at both camps attended by large numbers from the other. Everyone streamed out of both camps to join the day runs.

We have just got too big for our original settlement and created a suburb in the larger city.

The swap meet is much more easily accessed and even those opposed to the airport must admit the stalls were jammed on top of each other back in town while there is unlimited space for expansion now. It also avoids the bad blood and wild drive to sprint back from the airport to get the "bargains" which destroys the big display. Was it not wonderful seeing almost every vehicle left on display for hours, not only for us but the townspeople while the owners wandered in a relaxed manner over to the adjoining swap meet?

As far as too hot. I think there are too many Victorians complaining (although Melbourne exceeds those temperatures often during summer). For heaven's sake you live in AUSTRALIA. 40 degrees is not going to melt you and moving 5 kilometres away into town is not going to drop the temperature by one degree. The Canadians survive in freezing temperatures by dressing appropriately. Put on a hat and get on with life in conditions that people in 90% of Australia expect and live with through much of the summer.

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