Thread: 1942 cmp f15a
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Old 05-06-22, 20:42
Bruce Parker (RIP) Bruce Parker (RIP) is offline
GM Fox I
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Location: SW Ontario, Canada
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Originally Posted by chris vickery View Post
Well Bruce, this particular gentleman intended to fix up this family truck one day…
If it hasn’t been done by now, it will never be.
It's easy to dream about restoring it 'one day' until it takes you a week to wiggle loose a single brake drum and know there are three more just like it. Or that the thickness of the rust bulging between the leaves of the leaf springs is thicker than the remaining metal in the leaves themselves. The six gallons of diesel fuel you poured down the carb to free up the engine was a bad investment because it didn't do squat. The guy at the auto parts store ducks behind the counter when he sees you coming and, when you finally do manage buy a few 'modern replacements', you walk out $1000 poorer for a handful of parts the truck swallows up in an afternoon and begs for more.

That said, there's a lot a merit convincing yourself you'll 'get to it one day' rather than actually getting to it one day.
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