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Old 06-06-06, 19:11
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Pedr Pedr is offline
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Default Why don't they help their case??

Hello to all of our Canadian cousins.

I was a little surprised that Canada would even be a target for this kind of radicalistic biggotry from a section of the population that was "taken in" and assimilated into populus society, without major prejudice....note, I did say major.

And now in a true act of "biting the hand that feed's" these people choose to bring another free nation into this "war".

I am afraid I cannot see the neccesity or the reasoning for this.

From my own observations, this fringe element appears to be young ( 15-30 year old ) men, whom have become religious radicals, but as a rule cannot speak the native toungue's of their forefathers.

But to make this more unbelievable to me.....I spoke at length to a person that I was fortunate to make an acquaintance with, whom just happened to be a practising Muslim.

He explained to me that ALL of this sort of thing ( acts of terrorism, mass murders, genocide, even the actions and beliefs of the Taliban in Afghanistan ) are completely against the writings of the Koran. He explained that the Koran states that they should not incite violence, and that those guilty of this would not get to their equivalent of Heaven.

I asked about the Holy Ji'had that they are supposed to have against all Christians and non-believers ( the infidels ), he explained that according to his beliefs and teachings they ( the Muslim population ) are supposed to just leave us ( the "others" ) alone to apparently "ruin our own lives on our own".

Then I asked if he and his family was happy living in "my" country now, in security and safety - no gun shots at any hour, or explosions. The freedom to say or do ( within reason ) whatever you choose. Live where-ever and however you choose. Wear whatever you like without persecution. The freedom to perform whatever job you like, drive whatever car you like....etc

He said that these were the reasons that he had chosen to live in my country - Australia - and that he felt proud to have been accepted as a useful and valuable member of society. He was happy to be raising his sons here where they could receive a fantastic education and have untold opportunities in their futures.

I asked him why the people of his community living in Australia don't investigate within their own ranks and point these radical's out to our security forces so that they can be removed before causing greif to my community and trouble for his own.

He claimed that although he believed what these people were doing was wrong, it was not his place to interfere with another persons beliefs and that it was "Allah's will".

Still to this day I can not get my head around this.

My family fled persecution in Africa, during the Mau-Mau period, because nothing that my Grandfather believed or any of his actions could stop or improve the situation in the country that he had chosen to live in - Kenya - For him the last stroke was a rock thrown at his car as they travelled through the countryside, a rock that was aimed at his head, that missed and broke the window behind his, striking his yound daughter in the head ( she was not badly hurt ) His feeling was as he could do nothing he should leave the country.

If these people are not happy with the manner in which we the free peoples of the western nations choose to live our lives, why-o-why do they not leave our countries. We the free peoples will by our chosen systems of government, remove from office, people who choose to force our beliefs upon these people in their own lands, and replace them with more open minded, peace-loving people whom will work to advance our countries and improve our ways of life.

However, those whom believe that they must leave our countries to flee religious persecution need to realize, we will not trade with you. We will not offer you aid when your god turns upon you and racks your country with famine or plague or natural disaster. We will not educate your children or employ your sons. You are not in our minds - you are not in our heads or hearts - you do not exist. Live your life in your own lands free from all of the "sins and blessings" of our way of life.

For Australia, our biggest threat is from our closest northern neighbour. Allah constantly tests them, but they learn no lesson Tidal Waves ( Tsunamis ), Earthquakes, Fires - We the people of Australia, offer the olive branch and Millions of dollars aid - send our Armies to rebuild their country, bring their sick and wounded to fill our own hospitals and medical centres. Feed, clothe and house their children and poor; but still they say that they "hate our people" We spend our holidays in their islands giving them our money and affections but they bomb us.

Simple solution....Don't holiday there - Bali. Let's build resorts in East Timor and give them our money and support. God know's they need our help.

Sorry guy's.....There endeth the sermon.

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