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Old 19-02-05, 13:40
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Jon Skagfeld Jon Skagfeld is offline
M38A1 CDN3
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Owen Sound ON
Posts: 2,190

In more recent times, i.e. the sixties, in the Signal Corps, MCs were used not only for SDR/ SDS/DR duties, they were used for convoy control.

Using the "leapfrog" method, we could get a 20-30 vehicle convoy (or smaller packets) out of the city of Toronto a great speed.

There would be two bikes in front of the convoy, two bikes riding alongside the middle of the convoy and two bikes at the rear of the convoy.

Upon reaching say, a set of traffic lights, the two front bike riders would dismount in the middle of the intersection and direct the convoy through whilst stopping cross traffic. (Dismounting a Triumph TRW was somewhat complicated by the bike's not having a neutral usually just stalled the beast jumped off, and started directing traffic).

Simultaneously, the two middle bikes would move to the head of the convoy, the two at the rear would move to the middle and the two at the lights would follow on behind.

Repeat as necessary.

This was back when the majority of civilian drivers had respect for a moving military convoy...indeed, it was illegal under the Highway Traffic Act, to interfere with the passage of a convoy.
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