Thread: 3.7" aa
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Old 12-06-10, 12:13
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ARTY-BOY ARTY-BOY is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
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Posts: 16

Anti-tank capability
The 3.7-inch (94 mm) gun was never used as an anti-tank weapon, except in one or two emergencies. This is in contrast to the German Army, which integrated their equivalent "88" into anti-tank defensive screens from 1940 onwards, or the American M2/M3 90mm, which also was capable in the anti-tank role from 1942 and onward.
This was mainly because the 3.7-inch (94 mm) gun mobile mounting was almost twice as heavy as the German "88". Redeploying it was a slower operation, and the heavy AEC Matador artillery tractor normally used for towing could operate on hard surfaces only. Additionally, heavy AA Regiments equipped with the 3.7-inch (94 mm) gun were controlled by Corps or Army HQ, or at even higher level HQs, and command of them was not often devolved to the commanders at Divisional levels where the anti-tank role might be required. Prolonged firing at low elevations (not part of the original specification) also strained the mounting and recuperating gear.
The gun was used as the basis for the Tortoise assault tank's 32-pounder anti-tank gun, but this tank, which is best described as a self-propelled gun, never saw service.
Archive of 10th(R/Fus)Medium Regt RA.
Son of a Gunner who was the Son of a Gunner
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