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Old 09-02-19, 14:17
David Dunlop David Dunlop is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Winnipeg, MB
Posts: 3,402

In your photo of the original Signal Lamp, Colin, I wonder what little gems of information might be hidden on the metal tag fastened to the lower right side of the assembly?

Also curious about the wiring. It looks cloth loomed that has experienced a number of aluminium paint over sprays during it’s lifetime, but is it possible it was a braided wire loom?

Nice to have photos like that to help sort long gone electrical fittings, clips and brackets.

I suspect with a project of this magnitude, if you kept a logbook of ‘Things to Revisit in More Detail’ for all the photos you have accumulated, it would be one very large book by now! Must be a great help a scattering of surviving Vickers are still about that can be visited and photographed for you.

Funny... an Xmas Rhyme just came to mind: ‘And visions of Vickers danced through his head!’


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