Thread: "CB" Fireflies
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Old 03-02-05, 15:37
RichTO90 RichTO90 is offline
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Originally posted by John Tapsell
Rich - I'm interested in your comments about the difference between the LCT types. My understanding was that the (A) variant was armoured, but the CB variant was not (although identical in all other respects).
Well, considering the differences in our languages, the two navies involved were consistently inconsistent in how they referred to the different types. Normally they are all simply referred to as "LCT (A)" in the primary documentation - at least the narrative parts. So quite frequently an LCT (HE) may be referrred to in a group as LCT (A). But in the landing tables they are carefully differentiated. So it appears that in fact they were somewhat interchangeable. All had the raised timber ramp, but it may be questionable if the additrional armor was added to the conn? I really am not sure, although I strongly suspect that the only real difference was their function.
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